Wednesday, September 8, 2010

State Terror continues in Sri Lanka with impunity.

"The Mirihana Police have sealed a press in Delkanda, Nugegoda that had printed a poster against the President and have arrested the press owner’s wife and two brothers today (8) morning.

UNP organizer for Kalawana, Attorney Nanda Muruththettuwegama said the police had detained the wife and two brothers of the press owner, one Jayampathi, until he surrenders to the police.

He said that upon being questioned on the reason behind the arrest, the police had said it was made following orders received from a higher authority. He further noted that the UNP Media Unit has taken the responsibility for printing the poster.

The press owner, Jayampathi, is one of well known politician Kelly Senanayake’s brothers in law. Senanayake’s sister is currently in police custody.

Following is the poster that made the police to seal the press and arrest the press owner’s wife and brothers.

The UNP Media Unit has sent us a copy of the controversial poster. One poster has drawn a similarity between the President and Hitler and the other has depicted the Rajapaksa family rule."

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